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Interactive Page - Textbook Dialogue
Chapter 8
Getting Ready
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Chapter Eight PDF Format
Unit 1 –
Caterina, ti sei riposata bene?
Kathy, have you rested (yourself) well?
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Si, si. Mi sono alzata tardi stamattina, e così mi sono riposata tutto il giorno.
Yes, yes. (I) got (myself) up late this morning and then (I) rested (myself) all day.
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Perfetto. Perché stasera andiamo a trovare la mia mamma e il mio papà.
Perfect. Because this evening (we) go (are going) to visit my mom and (my) dad.
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Mamma sta preparando una bella cena.
Mom is preparing a wonderful dinner.
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Zia Rosa e zio Salvatore! I tuoi genitori sono molto gentili.
Aunt Rose and Uncle Sal! Your parents are very kind.
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Prima, mi lavo e poi mi metto un bel vestito.
First, (I) wash myself and then (I) put (on) (myself) a nice dress.
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Bene. Anche Francesca e Nonna si stanno preparando. Io sono già pronto, così mi siedo e aspetto.
Good. Also Frances and Grandma are getting (themselves) ready. I am already ready, so (I) (will) sit (myself) down and wait.
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(Dopo un po’ di tempo...)
(After a short time...)
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Avete finito? Siete pronte?
Have (you all) finished? Are (you all) ready (feminine plural)?
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Si, si, io sono pronta, ma ho bisogno di lavare Michele. È un bimbo sporco!
Yes, yes, I am ready, but (I) have to wash Michael. (He) is a dirty baby!
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Va bene. Ma non voglio fare tardi.
O.K. But (I) don’t want to be late.
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Normalmente, i miei genitori cenano alle sette di sera a casa.
Usually, my parents eat dinner at seven in the evening at home.
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Si, Pietro. Non precoccuparti! Stai calmo!
Yes, Peter. Don’t worry (yourself)! Be calm!
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Sto calmo. Ma è tardi!
(I) am calm. But (it) is late!
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Eccomi! Io sono pronta.
Here I am! I am ready.
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Molto bene. Francesca, Michele, Nonna, andiamo!
Very good. Frances, Michael, Grandma, let’s go!
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